This is what “some” Marxists want you to swallow—a blue pill of sorts: that though well over 30 countries have been run by avowed Marxists (all have had outrageous human rights records, immense democide figures, dreadful economies and little actual democratic pluralism), that Marxism has not yet  been tried anywhere in the world. And moreover, that poverty is not caused by isolation, lack of human capital, corrupt inefficient governments (plutocracies), general resentment against personal ambition, wealth creation, trade barriers, etcetera, but rather that imperialism and greed are the root cause of human poverty, that, and a general Leftist ignorance and even outright denial of the huge and growing middle and working classes around the planet to understand incomprehensible socialist’s economic theory. Their economic ignorance is breathtaking. And Marxists historically, constantly pointing to "late capitalist behaviour" as a sure sign that the revolution is nigh is exceedingly similar to Christian Fundies saying, "The Rapture is just around the corner". The West won the Cold War and it should be a time to exit the Industrial Military Complex/the propaganda Disinformation Complex of their security agencies. We could have free speech & trade, and even global peace. Islam is not the same threat as Marxism was. Islam is a religion that embraces the typically non-rational landscape of the sleepy spiritual reality of many decent humans. We should get out of their spaces as much as we can without ever acquiescing to the demand in any democracy to the silly theory of Sharia. Marxism, the easily refutable, (but not falsifiable) fairytale is an irrational religion claiming scientific credulity, certainty and even absolute knowledge, (a thing that is verboten to fragile subjective creatures as us), so its threat is real because the lies aren’t like “Jesus really existed”, or “Mohammed was instructed by angel Gabriel”.

Marxists’ lies, and they are whoppers, are that they are indeed empirical facts like that poverty is constantly increasing around the world, which is totally absurd and so easily disproven. Or that democratic tolerance is oppression because freedom allows too much disinformation which is a Herbert Marcuse-like ridiculousness. Or that people are not voluntarily looking for jobs in sweatshops and factories to help fund their lower class status to transition to the middle class for their children, and indeed, leftist activists aggressively ignoring this phenomena this very second in all vibrant non-West centres of economic activity around the world. Or that all power dynamics are of one stripe: victim and victimizers, and that’s all you need to know to solve the complex, often chaotic, social, cultural and political  entanglements of perplexing human beings. Or the fact that drastic inequality is increasing in the West, yet has nothing to do with the incredibly bloating anti-capitalistic state, who militarists, statists, regulators, activists, neo-Marxist academics, Neocons, Neolibs, intersectional antagonists and many other groups in the Western democracies since the 1960s have worked together, (or at odds), tirelessly to increase, (for one reason or another), the size of the current obese government as we approach 2025. Or that Michael Foucault’s fantastic, almost insane, social neo-structuralism has overwhelmed the social sciences and humanities in overpriced academia; a simpleton's belief that only language, society and culture, (i.e., software) is responsible for human behaviour and that human beings have no actual hardware at all from the millions of years of our brutal biological evolution; completely bizarre and only a philosopher could be this irresponsible.

Hitler died as he deserved in 1945, Stalin lived on and on, reeking havoc until 1953, and Mao died (1976), not a moment too soon. Adolph Hitler had studiously read Marx in 1913 and replaced 'class' for 'race', (as had Benito Mussolini before him), As a youth, Hitler was a bookworm. Hitler no doubt derived his anti-Semitic lunacy from the infamous Russian forgery ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' but the important thing to understand about him and Mussolini was that they were totally influenced by progressive science as seen in Platonic collectivism, especially Galton’s and Davenport’s racist eugenics theories supported by political figures such as Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and many other Liberal fascists, and these ideas particularly influenced Hitler, perhaps even more than Nietzsche’s Uberman philosophy. As to why both Marx and Hitler are so totally evil is because you can interchange class and race with Marxism with incredible ease and maximum hate, which is why the Nazis killed so many Jews (and other minorities), and the Marxists killed so many souls they labelled Bourgeois, (a huge number and way more than the Nazis killed, see below), which with great irony is remarkable since Marx was one; he was the Bourgeois son of a well-to-do lawyer. His wife, Jenny von Westphalen, was the daughter of a high Prussian aristocratic landholder. Marx’s brother-in-law was the head of the Prussian police. Premier Deng Xiaoping (who kick-started capitalism in China), in the late 1970s and early eighties was reading the works of libertarian economist, Milton FriedmanThomas Sowell’s later mentor. Both economists are associated with the University of Chicago, an institution with 30 Noble prizes connected to its economic department. Marxist think their enemies are Bush, Biden, Obama, and religious conservatives, (to say nothing of Neo-liberals), but they have never read even six reasonable men, let alone actual real scientists who disagree with them and their absolutely incongruous economic theories. Marxists are so obviously religious that to real atheists it is absolutely hilarious and no one takes them seriously unless they have a gun in their hands. 

I once met a young man at a party many years gone by, who boasted to a small gathering in some downtown Toronto townhouse kitchen over Heineken, that he could refute Marxism in one sentence. It seemed a bit smug and I scoffed. I was intrigued though as many of us there were—quite a few I might add headed for the backyard to smoke. Anyway, this was his one sentence refutation: “I could instruct a hunter-gathererchimpanzeerobotAmerican factory worker, or whoever, to turn and tighten this and that, on the this-or-that assembly line, but to instruct the factory worker, create the robotinvent the machine they assembledto think up the idea of the assembly line, to be the primatologist to coach the monkeyanthropologist to initiate the hunter-gatherer, all these types of activities, take mental acuity and human accumulated knowledge after years of arduous study in one form or another; so much for The Labour Theory of Value: surplus value.”

We were all I suppose, deflated, but of course with hindsight, it was quite true, he had refuted Marxism in one sentence with  The Theory of  Human  Capital, or at least what we usually mean by unionized or organized labour. Of course mental labor is nonetheless real labour even if Adam Smith and Karl Marx didn't understand that wealth indeed is mostly created by human cleverness, and respect for middle class virtue, (Bourgeois Dignity), an ethic that the Left openly hate and try never to practice in their own lives.

Well, that was long ago, but if there was ever any doubt that Marxism was a religion, you just had to spend several evenings with some of them to realize it. Indeed, one of the hardest, bravest, and most courageous things to be in the West, is a Marxist in Canada, (just joking), which is why we have spawned so many of the armchair-variety. At a large gathering of Marxists and Communists one evening just years before the fall of the wall, one of their stars was describing in a dinner speech, a radio interview he'd had on air that day. The interviewer, he claimed was a fascist, who everyone knew perfectly well was a democrat, a human rights activist, and an elected member of The Liberal Party of Canada - it sounded like what a Christian would call a Roman heathen or a Moslem, an unbeliever. They didn't suspect someone so critical of their beliefs was in their midst or they didn't care. I was there as the lover of their darling beauty, and they waxed poetic all night as they drank red wine and dreamt of violent revolution.

Marxist feudalism replaced rule of law, which had been influenced and restrained by market forces and propertied parties even in the most nationalistic autocracies, into the terror of the total lethal state: all human freedom of choice was halted anywhere that militant socialists came to power. To quote the Chinese astrophysicist Fang Lizhi: “If every one of those good words — liberty, equality, fraternity, democracy, human rights — has been called 'bourgeois', what on earth does that leave for us” [in communist China]? Everywhere, with few exceptions, where the Procrustean communists gained enough power to carry out revolution and collectivize farmland, they produced famine. Everywhere, with no exceptions, where fundalmentalist Marxists gained total ideological control, they murdered their intellectual enemies with ghastly methods and in unbelievable numbers. 

That same night, the speaker's wife, after a few more glasses, called Marxists everywhere in the world, scientists. It was hard not to laugh out loud. She'd come from Iraq and worked in a factory in Pickering where she was fighting with management to set up a union. She hadn't finished high school and could no more name the four Galilean moons than the millions killed in the Soviet's slave labor camps, nor did she know who Stephen Hawking or Max Planck were, and when asked about Darkness at Noon, she responded that Koestler was insane and when The Gulag Archipelago was thrown into the conversation, she swore that Solzhenitsyn was nothing but a liar.

Marxist Theory is the Ideology of Envy

The Marxist's contention is that there is no God, but Marx started an intellectual and political crusade not for a healthy exchange of ideas, but as a closed cause without dissent and as a tool for violence. As a young man in Prussia in the 1830's he witnessed firsthand Liberalism and political freedom, and as a mature thinker (much as Plato had done before him), he went running for autocracy. He planned to replace private religion with a totalitarian government, a church of the state where the worker-proletariat, (the oppressed), would be sanctified. The owner-capitalists, (the Satan-lovers), and the middle-class bourgeoisie, (the sinners Marx scapegoated), would be condemned and the inheritors of the new body politic would be rewarded in perpetuity in the paradise of the dictatorship with Marx as the prophet-messiah. He was the last word in historical materialism, the process where pure goodness in the guise of the exploited, overthrow the evil idiot-class and become egalitarian in a violent seizure of political power. It was inescapable, inexorable, unstoppable, and humankind was trapped inside of it, but lucky for us, the benevolent Marx and his followers were so brilliant that they developed a special kind of logic - dialectical logic - which lifted them above it all. Thus was born their conceit, and the millions who were lost in the reconstruction? ... Grist for the grinder, (to quote Stalin). Marx created a cosmic mythology, dialectical materialism, a social structure of oppressor and oppress, a vast poison victimhood of ‘us and them’, a real and present genetic trait in human males which is incredibly dangerous and has lead to much genocide. That’s why attempts at Marxist’s society turn into killing fields, concentration camps, gulag archipelagos, economic wastelands, endless purges, and eventual bankruptcy, collapse & outright democide.

If you think Mohammed and Christ are the only Prophets to Spread Hatred 
Read The Following Quotes from Marx's private letters.

 “What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money... Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man - and turns them into commodities.. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.”

"The workers must, above all, during the conflict and immediately after the struggle, counteract, as much as possible, bourgeois efforts to calm things down and force the democrats to carry out their current terrorist phrases. They must work towards ensuring [that] the immediate revolutionary excitement not be suppressed right after the victory of the revolution. Just the opposite, they must attempt to keep it up. Far from opposing so-called excesses, examples of the people’s revenge on hated individuals or public buildings connected with hateful memories, they must not just tolerate such excesses but take over the leadership of them."

“Thus we find every tyrant backed by a Jew, as is every pope by a Jesuit. In truth, the cravings of oppressors would be hopeless, and the practicability of war out of the question, if there were not an army of Jesuits to smother thought and a handful of Jews to ransack pockets.”

“The real work is done by the Jews, and can only be done by them, as they monopolize the machinery of the loan-mongering mysteries by concentrating their energies upon the barter trade in securities. Here and there and everywhere that a little capital courts investment, there is ever one of these little Jews ready to make a little suggestion or place a little bit of a loan. The smartest highwayman in the Abruzzi is not better posted up about the locale of the hard cash in a traveler's valise or pocket than those Jews about any loose capital in the hands of a trader. The language spoken smells strongly of Babel, and the perfume which otherwise pervades the place is by no means of a choice kind.”

“Thus do these loans, which are a curse to the people, a ruin to the holders, and a danger to the governments, become a blessing to the houses of the children of Judah. This Jew organization of loan-mongers is as dangerous to the people as the aristocratic organization of landowners. The fortunes amassed by these loan-mongers are immense, but the wrongs and sufferings thus entailed on the people and the encouragement thus afforded to their oppressors still remain to be told.”

“The fact that 1,855 years ago Christ drove the Jewish moneychangers out of the temple, and that the moneychangers of our age enlisted on the side of tyranny happen again chiefly to be Jews, is perhaps no more than a historical coincidence. The loan-mongering Jews of Europe do only on a larger and more obnoxious scale what many others do on one smaller and less significant. But it is only because the Jews are so strong that it is timely and expedient to expose and stigmatize their organization.”

"The restless never-ending process of profit making alone is what he [the Capitalist] aims at. This boundless greed after riches, this passionate chase after exchange-value, is common to the capitalist and the miser; but while the miser is merely a capitalist gone mad, the capitalist is a rational miser. The never ending augmentation of exchange value, which the miser strives after, by seeking to save his money from circulation, is attained by the more acute capitalist, by constantly throwing it afresh into circulation."

“The Jewish Nigger Lassalle, who fortunately leaves at the end of this week, has happily again lost 5,000 Thaler in a fraudulent speculation. The fellow would rather throw money in the dirt than make a loan to a 'friend' even if interest and capital are guaranteed. He acts on the view that he must live like a Jewish baron or baronised Jew."

“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turns comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror”

"At all events, I hope the bourgeoisie will remember my carbuncles until their dying day. What swine they are!"

Democide figures for the 20th Century communists regimes are calculated between 60 to 150 million murders, see here: ( 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 101112), so indeed, the Jews and the Bourgeoisie paid in full for Marx's boils. This does not include the 1.5 million Russians who died in WWI, the 25 million who died in the civil conflict between the Reds and the Whites after the 1917 Communist Revolution, the 30 million who starved to death between 1920 to 1930 because of the Bolsheviks’ wilful economic ignorance, nor the 27 million who died in WWII. "Robert Conquest's monumental work on Stalinist horrors, The Great Terror, earned enormous animosity upon its initial release in 1968—its graphic descriptions of the horrors perpetrated in the Soviet Union under Stalin's direction were felt by many to be false in virtually every particular. The opening of the Soviet archives and later verification by a host of Russian historians not only supported Conquest's findings, but showed the Stalin's “model state” had been even worse than Conquest had originally outlined. When The Great Terror was rereleased in a post-glasnost 1992 edition, [Link # 3 in this paragraph], Conquest was asked if he would like to give it a new title. His terse response was: “How about, I Told You So, You Fucking Fools.” Quoted from, Evil Genes. And also from the same book: "historian R. J. Rummel writes: “For perspective on Mao's most bloody rule, all wars [worldwide] 1900–1987 cost in combat dead 34,021,000—including WWI and II, Vietnam, Korea, and the Mexican and Russian Revolutions. Mao alone murdered over twice as many as were killed in combat in all these wars.” He also killed nearly four times as many as are thought to have died in four hundred years of the African slave trade, from capture to sale in Arab, Oriental, or New World markets.

While remembering that Marx had a secular Jewish heritage, (raised as a Christian, most certainly studied Plato and joined the authoritarian Hegelians in youth), one must wonder here that it is not the "Jew" per se but the tone of rancour toward wealth and materialism in general which underscores Marxism as "A Philosophy of Resentment" much as it does for other Platonist beliefs such as Catholicism and Existentialism. To quote Marx, “Even the greatest sage of antiquity, the divine Plato, speaks in more than one place of a deep yearning for a higher being, whose appearance the unsatisfied aspiration to truth and light fulfills." It is safe to remark at this point in time that no one in history has been more responsible than Marx for so much murder and mayhem except for perhaps Plato himself. Marx's resentment of wealth was a typical 18th Century hatred for all middlemen-trader minorities who out-worked and out-performed the majorities where they settled, almost all genocides have been against these groups.

“The first thing the Communists did upon attaining power was to exterminate the intelligentsia. They killed the priests, they killed the rabbis, they killed the teachers, they killed the judges, they killed anyone and everyone who was a source of knowledge and inspiration. Artists and writers were taken because they distracted the workers; engineers because there were power outages. Farming elders were killed because of food shortages, which led to more food shortages, which led to more dead farmers. They killed with diligence, they killed with pride, they killed and they killed until there wasn’t a man left who could recite so much as a damned nursery rhyme, and with the leaders dead, their memories banned, the books burned, the relics confiscated (and sold to the West to purchase more bullets), the sanctuaries torn down and refurbished into gyms and Pioneer youth centers, the souls of the people left bare and trembling, the Communists’ goal had been accomplished. The Bolsheviks knew: eradicate the culture, and the rest will wither accordingly.” A Backpack, a Bear, and Eight Crates of Vodka.

"Karl Popper did not want to deal with the question he found the means to explain. [Marxism’s durability through most of Popper’s lifetime] And I wondered whether its very durability had not induced in him a kind of fatalism or frustration. In the end, what is the use of understanding an error, if it goes on being repeated? Popper did not want to deal with the question directly, except by making one point that again went over the arguments against historicism. [Historicism is the false inveighing of teleological ends into history, or the historical belief that “our story” is predetermined by some factor (usually economics, context or Zeitgeist) and humankind has no real freedom. Paraphrased from F Hayek]. Someone might, in fact, think of him as a man who waited on the river bank for the corpses of his enemies to float by. But no part of this image applies to Karl Popper: neither the corpses nor the enemies, and especially not the river. Not the corpses, because he regarded non-violence as a cornerstone of civilization. Not the enemies, because the friend-enemy polarization of history and politics is precisely one of the main things he holds against Marxism. And not the river, because Popper considers the idea of history as a watercourse with a known source and mouth to be responsible for a huge number of crimes." Lessons of This Century,

From Inventing Freedom: "How delicious that, as we approach the bicentenary of his birth, Karl Marx should have turned into the thing he loathed above all: the prophet of an irrational faith."

From “Marx The Prophet”, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy: It was not by a slip that an analogy from the world of religion was permitted to intrude into the title of this chapter. There is more than analogy. In one important sense, Marxism is a religion. To the believer it presents, first, a system of ultimate ends that embody the meaning of life and are absolute standards by which to judge events and actions; and, secondly, a guide to those ends which implies a plan of salvation and the indication of the evil from which mankind, or a chosen section of mankind, is to be saved. We may specify still further: Marxist socialism also belongs to that subgroup which promises paradise on this side of the grave. I believe that a formulation of these characteristics by an hierologist would give opportunities for classification and comment which might possibly lead much deeper into the sociological essence of Marxism than anything a mere economist can say.  Joseph A.Schumpeter.

"Engels was a rich man’s son and Marx a dyspeptic malcontent who liked fine food, a good drink and more than the odd cigar, but who lacked the wit or the will to pay for any of it by the sweat of his own back. He leeched from family – his own and his wife’s – and from Engels too, and repaid not a jot. Before listening to those who would change the world it is worth noting how they run their own lives and treat those closest to them. Jenny von Westphalen, Marx’s wife, lamented how their life together might have been better if he had spent ‘more time earning capital than just writing about it’. He fathered a child by their maid, Hélène Demuth, and then disowned the lad, called Frederick, leaving it to Engels to raise him as his own. Talk about exploitation of the workers." The Story of the World in a 100 Moments, (2021), the 80th moment.

Quoted from Daniel Chirot and Clark McCauley in Better Angels: "Marxist eschatology actually mimicked Christian doctrine. In the beginning, there was a perfect world with no private property, no classes, no exploitation, and no alienation—the Garden of Eden. Then came sin, the discovery of private property, and the creation of exploiters. Humanity was cast from the Garden to suffer inequality and want. Humans then experimented with a series of modes of production, from the slave, to the feudal, to the capitalist mode, always seeking the solution and not finding it. Finally there came a true prophet with a message of salvation, Karl Marx, who preached the truth of Science. He promised redemption but was not heeded, except by his close disciples who carried the truth forward. Eventually, however, the proletariat, the carriers of the true faith, will be converted by the religious elect, the leaders of the party, and join to create a more perfect world. A final, terrible revolution will wipe out capitalism, alienation, exploitation, and inequality. After that, history will end because there will be perfection on earth, and the true believers will have been saved." See, here, and also Marxism Unmasked, Mao's AmericaLeninTrotskyStalin, The Marxification of EducationThe Stalin Series, and Hitler and Stalin.

The Yiddish writers’ sustenance, in the USSR's scope,
Obtained Uncle Joe’s booster shot, in 1952, the year I was born.
Back then, the Cossacks lived in hungry hovels, without much hope:
They starved for fifty years, like skeletal livestock, on piffle of wheat and corn.

Three decades before that, all the Kulaks ate slugs;
As Lenin confessed to Russell, and the progressives, still scorn.
It is a case of, one thing after another: ‘reality is optional!’
Moscow’s law: “What can be swindled will be shorn”.

Sheep’s shepherd; twenty million in gulag, slaughter up the millions,
Collectivist’s dumbbells in billions; emasculated skin, outworn.
For all the human sacrifice, the dull red mass, earns only Soviet ridicule.
You are to depart in sad remembrance: ‘It is the night’s blackest forlorn’.

“Beat, beat and beat again!”
Father is dead and child is unborn.
Wife is in line at the prison gate waiting ever in silence,
Commissar asks her: “When does the moon see the morn?”

In bone china, obese Mao croons poems for his cutthroat, cultural ravens;
Heads of the dead roll in Cambodia, which the countryside adorn.
If liquidation is inflated from pedophile priests to Marxist existentialists,
Sepsis socialism spread the plague from Cuba to Vietnam on its long sojourn.

We forgot the sorrows of the farcical sixties; lies of slick professors;
Voluntary serfdom in infected universities no one will care to mourn.
Q and A is useless, a denied history of murderous, revolutionary terror,
The book of horror will not be read unless the tearful truth is sworn.

Five years in the camps destroy, a tenner, the death sentence.
Grubby, fat fingers the mighty tree from Marx’s acorn.
The forest petrified into crooked, arthritic wood.
Hearts freeze in Siberia; they wear sweaty rags stiff and torn.

Gangrene songs, Trotsky prose, Gorky poetry, all state rape.
Music of sorrowful violin, endless drumming, baby-grand wailing, gnawed, angry horn.
The rude, dissident slayer conducts the orchestra with historical necessity.
Gouged eyes—no ears; horrified brain sockets left to Chekist porn.